Unforced Errors . . . . Happen All the Time

If you’re on the court of life or business, there are bound to be some mishaps. The only way you move beyond them is to continue to practice, stay in the game, and learn from the mistakes you make. Last week I talked about the ups and downs because there will some days as a leader/CEO you will truly win and other days when you feel completely defeated —- it comes with the territory!

But what about those unforced errors? Definition: a mistake that is attributed to one’s own failure rather than to the skill or effort of one’s opponent.

While we know failures are a part of the game there are some things we can do on our end to make them fewer and farther between. 

  1. Maintain Focus: Unforced errors in tennis occur when a player loses focus and doesn’t stick to the plan they had coming into the point. As a business leader, it’s imperative to maintain focus on your strategy and avoid getting distracted by things that don’t contribute to your end goal. The truth is you are the OWNER of the vision, that’s your job and if you start to derail so will your team. 
  2. Be Prepared: If you’re not prepared, eg. ready for the ball, looking for the return, anticipating correctly, an unforced error can occur. Leaders must anticipate potential problems that may arise and come up with strategies to address them. Rarely is there a foolproof plan. Stay prepared and make contingencies where needed.
  3. Take Risks: Taking risks can help to take your business to the next level. However, it’s important to take calculated risks and not let unforced errors, such as over-committing, not fully committing, taking on more than you can handle, or being too cautious and safe.
  4. Don’t Underestimate Your Opponent: In tennis, unforced errors can come from underestimating your opponent. In business leadership, it is important to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and position yourself from a position of strength.
  5. Have Confidence: Have you ever been in a position where you weren’t feeling as confident as you’d like? It happens even to those that have been around doing what they do for a while. Unforced errors in tennis can occur when a player lacks confidence. In business leadership, have faith in your strategy and believe that it will work. More than that you have to have confidence in yourself and your team. That confidence will help you to make sound decisions and keep you on track. It’ll also help you get the results you want. 

This week take a look at the unforced errors you’re making as a leader. Write down the 2 to 3 things that are really getting in the way. Of the 5 ideas explored, which one or two are really getting in your way?

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